Man’s Best Friend In 3d!

Best Buy has an amazing sale going on right now for Nintendogs + Cats Toy Poodle and French Bulldog. You can order it here for just $4.99 , that’s $35 off the retail value! If you have a 3ds or are getting one for Christmas don’t miss out on this fantastic deal! I bought the Golden Retriever version a week ago and have had a blast training my puppy Shiba Inu named Goldie.

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Some Final Links

Don’t know what to do while you’re waiting for Skyward Sword to come out? Check out these links and you’ll have hours of fun filled reminiscing ahead of you.


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Two DS Zeldas Wind Waker Style

Enjoy these video reviews about the two stylus controlled Zelda games. Then sit back, relax, throw a party, and get ready for the release of Skyward Sword at midnight!

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Improving on Perfection

Don’t know why you should buy The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, or are one of the few that passed on the Nintendo Wii? Listen to this review of the game and see what you think. Just Don’t be surprised if your bank account gets a little smaller come Nov.20.

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Link Picks Up the Fiddle

Can’t wait until Skyward Sword is released tomorrow at midnight? Ease your pains by listening to this beautiful medley of Zelda Songs played by Utah’s own Lindsey Sterling!

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Link Howls at the Moon

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the game many fans were hoping for after Ocarina of time. It’s more realistic graphics and darker themes make it feel like a real world. I was in school when the game was released so it was awhile until I got to finish the game, but it was worth the wait. What I remember most about it was the awesome surprise ending. If you’ve never had the chance to play this great game, it can be found almost anywhere for a mere $20 for the Nintendo Wii.

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Link Visits the Little People

The Game Boy Advance was truly a golden age for 2d Zelda games. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap was the fourth and final game published on that system. The graphics are similar in style to Oracle of Ages and Seasons and look especially great on the bright Gameboy SP screen. The unique gameplay in Minish Cap comes from the mysterious green hat/bird creature (named the Minsh Cap of course), which allows you to shrink down many sizes and explore the strange world of the Minish. The Minish are a race of fairy-sized creatures who can aid Link in his quest to save Princess Zelda.

It’s been a few years since I played this game but I remember it being a fun, but slightly shorter adventure. It has six dungeons instead of the typical eight, but those dungeons are jam packed with a bunch of sword-slashing, puzzle-solving, Zelda goodness. You can play The Minish Cap on any of the various iterations of the Game Boy Advance or on the Nintendo DS. If you’ve never had the chance to play this classic 2d Zelda game then get on over to Amazon or Ebay pronto and buy it now!

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Four Swords Adventures

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is a much lengthier sequel to the Four Swords game from A Link to the Past for GBA. It was released for the Nintendo Gamecube on June 7, 2004. It features the same multiplayer mayhem as Four Swords but has 8 worlds to explore with a big boss battle to test your skills at the end of each one.

This game is a blast to play with friends (was able to complete it with my bro and a friend earlier this year), however it does require a bit of patience and determination to go through because you compete for the highest number of rupees on each level. As you can imagine this creates more than a few “accidental deaths” before you can move on the next area. To play multiplayer you need up to three additional game boy advances (can be bought for around $20) and the cable that links it to the Gamecube (about $10).

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Sailing the Open Seas

Nintendo set the bar high with the release of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Because of that some fans were disappointed that their next game, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for Nintendo Gamecube, had cartoon-like cel shaded graphics. I have to admit I was a little worried about the change when I heard about it, but once I started playing this masterpiece of a game those worries faded away. The art style might be different but it’s still fantastic with great attention to detail, expressive faces, and animations. The music is great also and fits perfectly into the sailing theme. Sailing from Island to Island gives you the feeling of being an explorer, discovering things that no one has ever seen before. If you’ve passed on this great game before because of the graphics then I have some advice for you: don’t! Wind Waker is an amazingly strong title in the fantastic field of 3d Zeldas.

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Mario Rockets Back Into Space

This is the last blog entry in my celebration of Mario’s biggest platforming titles from the beginning. Nintendo had so much fun making Super Mario Galaxy that they decided to make a sequel aptly named: Super Mario Galaxy 2. Earlier this year I had a blast completing the first Mario Galaxy title but haven’t gotten around to playing Galaxy 2 yet. The problem is that so many great games come out during the holidays, like the newly released Super Mario 3d Land, that it’s hard to not play those games first. It’s definitely on the top of my video game to do list, but will have to wait until I finish Mario 3d land and a few other games. Check out the video link for an explanation of why this amazing game is a must buy for Wii owners.

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