Impressions of the Nintendo 3ds

Nintendo’s newest handheld gaming system, the Nintendo 3ds, was released on March 27 of this year. I’d been anxiously awaiting it’s release ever since it was announced at E3 in 2010.  However I wasn’t able to afford getting it at launch and started saving my spare change to buy one (thank you and plasma center). Then the release date for Ocarina of Time 3ds (a remake of the highest rated action/adventure game of all time) was announced for June 19. Being a big Zelda fan since the original Zelda for NES I knew I had to get this game the second it was released. Club Nintendo was also offering a soundtrack of the game for a limited time to those who registered it. So I went to Gamestop and reserved my copy thinking they would have a midnight release. I asked the cashier if they would have it and he said they had enough preorders and I’d get a call on Saturday. An automated call left a voice-male saying that Zelda 3ds would be released soon so I figured we were good to go. Saturday night came and we went to Gamestop just before midnight excited to pick up the game and a 3ds. But no one was there! We waited around a bit and then left, disappointed and let down by Gamestop. On the way home I suggested we stop by Walmart to see If they had it. Wallyworld didn’t disappoint! The employee in the electronics department said, “Is that released today? Let me go check out back.” And sure enough he came back with the golden game cartridge in hand. Triumphant in our quest I brought the new game and 3ds home and then spent an hour trying to put a screen protector on (those things are impossible to get on without have a tiny bubble or piece of dust get under it!) and getting things things set up.

Finally I had the 3ds in hand with Zelda 3ds inside ready to play! As I turned it on the familiar mystical title screen song played and I watched in amazement as Link rode his epic steed Epona through Hyrule Field under a full moon. The 3d effect is just magical and it makes you feel like you are peering though a window into the world of Hyrule. This post is getting a little long so it’s time to end it, but I’m going to post a more in depth review of the game soon.

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