Four Swords Adventures

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is a much lengthier sequel to the Four Swords game from A Link to the Past for GBA. It was released for the Nintendo Gamecube on June 7, 2004. It features the same multiplayer mayhem as Four Swords but has 8 worlds to explore with a big boss battle to test your skills at the end of each one.

This game is a blast to play with friends (was able to complete it with my bro and a friend earlier this year), however it does require a bit of patience and determination to go through because you compete for the highest number of rupees on each level. As you can imagine this creates more than a few “accidental deaths” before you can move on the next area. To play multiplayer you need up to three additional game boy advances (can be bought for around $20) and the cable that links it to the Gamecube (about $10).

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